November 15, 2022
By Martha Schwendener Nov. 10, 2022 Salon Art + Design is more international this year, gaining back exhibitors from abroad who were reluctant or unable to travel during the pandemic. But home is still the focus of this annual fair at the Park Avenue Armory in Manhattan: not just art and design objects displayed in […]
July 28, 2021
Dangerous beauties such as Medusa, Skylla, sphinxes and other hybrids can be seen on display
March 24, 2021
Phoenix Ancient Art displays a selection of world-class antiquities inspired by Women’s History Month
October 6, 2020
Antique art dealer and gallery owner at Phoenix Ancient Art in Geneva and New York, Ali Aboutaam was born into a family of antique dealers and defends Antique Art, the art of ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean.
May 26, 2020
The full list of the 100 most powerful players will be published over the course of a two-week period. Since the list is alphabetical the first names to appear are Ali and Hicham Aboutaam of Phoenix Ancient Art
April 27, 2020
#FirstRespondersFirst is an initiative of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Thrive Global, and the CAA Foundation that supports healthcare workers on the frontlines of the Coronavirus pandemic
April 22, 2020
…A more high-end site has also debuted in the online space. The newly launched e-Tiquities features pieces from the Mediterranean basin…
April 22, 2020
For many people, antiquities collecting seems like something for only the very wealthy, but with Phoenix Ancient Art’s innovative e-commerce site — — the world of high-end antiquities has been opened to a larger audience than ever before.
September 24, 2019
Internationale Top-Galerien fehlen, trotz des neuen Untertitels „The Universelle Art Fair“. Abgesehen von der auf Archäologie ausgerichteten Phoenix Ancient Art (New York, Genf). Phoenix hat die ganze Sammlung des 87 jährigen Chemie-Nobelpreisträgers von 1980, Walter Gilbert, am Stand. Der US Biochemiker erzählt, dass er diese innerhalb von 25 Jahren auf Auktionen und in Galerien erwarb und sie, nach Erstellung eines Katalogs, noch zu Lebzeiten über die Galerie Phoenix verkauft.
September 23, 2019
Les participants sont cette fois 75, au lieu de 61 en 2018. Manquent les grands marchands internationaux. Les bons stands se retrouvent un peu noyés par les autres.
September 23, 2019
La Biennale Paris , che dal 2017 è un appuntamento annuale, si è svolta sotto le volte Art Nouveau del Grand Palais dal 12 al 17 settembre. (…) Manufatti romani e greci soprattutto, ma anche dell’antica Cina e dell’antico Egitto, tra queste la Phoenix Ancient Art, (…).
February 1, 2019
La foire de design en arrive à sa deuxième édition. Elle regroupe 27 marchands. Il y a là de l’archéologie, de l’ethnographie, du design et des bijoux.
December 5, 2018
“But the show does not tell its Modernism story in a straight line, and it doesn’t even start with Modernism. In New York’s Phoenix Ancient Art gallery, the abstract, smoothly contoured marble Neolithic mother goddess is as modern and abstract as a Brancusi, and the bronze, fourth century B.C. Greek warrior’s helmet, designed to deflect the slings and arrows of battle, already embodies Modernism’s maxim, form follows function (otherwise you’re dead).”
May 7, 2018
“Quite astonishing was the bronze Pompeiian table with wolves (Graeco-Roman, 1st century BC, at Phoenix Ancient Art)…”
May 7, 2018
“I’ll even throw the bronze cat-head statuettes of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet on view in the Phoenix Ancient Art booth into my unexpected favorites, because a little appreciation for the divine feminine (and feline) never hurt anyone.”
May 7, 2018
“The fun is to catch the myriad cross-cultural references – between a Graeco- Roman Pompeiian table (Phoenix Ancient Art)…”
February 13, 2018
“De Genève toujours, mais un peu égaré ici, il y a Phoenix Ancient Art, qui fait simultanément la BRAFA à Bruxelles. La galerie a amené des vases grecs ou italiotes magnifiques, plus quelques marbres antiques. On se situe avec eux dans le fastueux, mais pas trop. Les pièces les plus spectaculaires de la maison demeurent réservées aux grandes foires.”
February 13, 2018
Après des années d’austérité chic et de minimalisme zéro défaut, le goût de l’ornementation revient et le passé (ré)investit notre quotidien. Un “quotidien”, avouons-le, fait de spendeurs et de somptuosités. Des objets rares à découvrir dans les stands des exposants de la Brafa. Nos coups de coeur !
January 15, 2018
“Antiquities also make a strong showing. For its 13th year at BRAFA, Geneva and New York-based Phoenix Ancient Art brings a fine red figure kylix or drinking cup, dated to 490–480 BC and signed by the potter Hieron, the refined painting ascribed to the vase painter Makron. Also on display here is a Sarmatian woven gold neckpiece with amethyst and turquoise from 100 BC–100 AD, the fi nials representing crouching animals…”
November 14, 2017
Perfekte Fusion. Als erste internationale Kunst- messe im kommenden Jahr öffnet die Brafa Art Fair vom 27. Januar bis 4. Februar 2018 in Brüssel auf dem Tour& Taxis –
November 14, 2017
C’est sans surprise. Jeudi dernier, à Art en Vieille Ville (AVV), Phoenix Ancient Art tenait encore la vedette. Pas de réel sujet cette fois, le mot d’ordre «10» lancé pour marquer les dix ans de l’association permettant toutes les variations. Il faut aussi dire que ce commerce d’antiques a un automne pour le moins rempli derrière lui. Il vient de faire le Sofa de Chicago après avoir participé à la TEFAF Fall de New York. Il y a des limites à l’énergie et au renouvellement.
November 14, 2017
NEW YORK, Oct. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — This October marks the second annual showing of the world renowned TEFAF FALL art fair in New York at the historical Park Avenue Armory. The inaugural fair last year was a grand success with Phoenix Ancient Art building a miniature Roman Pantheon as their stand design, featuring cornices, niches, vitrines, and of course the glowing oculus from the center of the dome, all reminiscent of the interior of the famous Roman temple. This year Hicham Aboutaam is bringing that stand back to life with a new flavor. A color scheme derived from the colors of different ancient stones such as porphyry, pink marble, giallo antico, breccia, alabaster, and white and red granite. The Dutch master stand-builder, Stabilo, has chartered new territory with this concept.
June 19, 2017
La société de négoce en antiquités mondialement réputée Phoenix Ancient Art, par l’intermédiaire de son co-propriétaire Ali Aboutaam, basé à Genève, se félicite d’avoir pu résoudre l’affaire du sarcophage romain qui fait depuis plusieurs années l’objet d’une bataille juridique largement médiatisée dans la presse genevoise.
May 23, 2017
Europa hat es gewagt, eine Kunstmesse zu exportieren, ausgerechnet ins Kunst-Mekka New York. Kann das gut gehen? Ein Besuch auf der Tefaf, die neben Antiquitäten auch die Moderne im Gepäck hat.
May 19, 2017
Il existe paraît-il de «bons jours». Mieux vaut les éviter. Ce sont ceux où tout a lieu en même temps (…).
Je terminerai avec mon passage chez Phoenix Ancient Art. La maison se penche cette fois sur les bijoux antiques. Un énorme agrandissement cache en partie la vitrine, laissant apparaître le somptueux bracelet romain en or original.
February 24, 2017
Phoenix Ancient Art exhibits an exquisite Egyptian rock crystal ring, a sphinx resting on the bezel, dating to the Ramesside period of the New Kingdom (1295-1069 BC). The form was developed during the reign of Tutankhamun and those topped with scarabs, cats, frogs, sometimes lions, became popular, worn as talismans. Less common is the sphinx, as are rock crystal examples as gold was more commonly used.
January 21, 2017
Was zählt, ist das herausragende Einzelstück. Viele Aussteller an der Brafa bringen höchste Qualität und können damit auch den alten Fuchs unter den Sammlern animieren.
November 18, 2016
Die Brüsseler Antiquitätenmesse vereint Händler aus zwölf Ländern in den Hallen des Brüsseler Tour & Taxis-Gebäudes. Traditionell liegen die Schwerpunkte auf Skulpturen, Moderne und außereuropäischer Kunst.
October 25, 2016
C’est la fille d’Ouranos et de Gaïa, autrement dit du Ciel et de la Terre (1). Mnémosyne a donné son nom à toute chose, créant ainsi le langage. Elle reste surtout la déesse de la mémoire, maintenant de la sorte le passé un peu présent. Aimée de Zeus, ce parfait infidèle, Mnémosyne accoucha aussi des neuf Muses, dont chacune possède une spécialité. Uranie, c’est l’astronomie. Clio, l’Histoire. Thalie, la comédie. Je m’arrêterai là.
October 25, 2016
“Elsewhere at the fair, Phoenix Ancient Art had one of the busiest stands. The New York and Geneva dealers had designed their booth in a Pantheon’ style and they sold the piece at the centre of their display – the Northumberland Aphrodite Anadyomene statue which was bought by a European collector at the preview for a seven-figure sum.
The 1st century BC-1st century AD Graeco- Roman statue had once belonged to the collection of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland at Syon House where it stood in the Robert Adam-designed interior.
They also sold all three of their Greek Corinthian helmets to three different collectors — New York, California, and Mexico — with prices ranging between $200,000 and $350,000.
Hicham Aboutaam of Phoenix Ancient Art, said: The VIP preview day was spectacularly crowded with many new faces along with well-known international collectors and an impressive number of people from the museum world.”