3 novembre - 31 décembre 2017
AVV Novembre 2017
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève
“ Ancient Art by 10 ”
Vernissage le 11 mai de 18h à 21h. RSVP.
Exposition du 3 novembre au 31 décembre 2017 à la Galerie Phoenix Ancient Art SA.
3 novembre - 31 décembre 2017
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève
“ Ancient Art by 10 ”
Vernissage le 11 mai de 18h à 21h. RSVP.
Exposition du 3 novembre au 31 décembre 2017 à la Galerie Phoenix Ancient Art SA.
2-5 November 2017
Navy Pier, Chicago
Phoenix Ancient Art is proud to be joining the popular SOFA Chicago fair at the Navy Pier this November! Come visit us at Booth 821.
October 28 - November 1 2017
Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA
At Phoenix Ancient Art, we are honored to be part of the upcoming TEFAF New York, featuring fine and decorative art from antiquity to 1920. Taking place from October 28 – November 1, 2017 at the Park Avenue Armory.
Du 19 mai au 05 novembre 2017
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris - 11 Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris France
Le Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris présente MEDUSA, une exposition portant un regard contemporain et inédit sur le bijou, qui révèle certains tabous.
2 - 8 October 2017
Berkeley Square W1, London, UK
We would like to remind you that we will be showing at PAD London Art+Design Fair in London, from Monday, October 2nd to Sunday, October 8th 2017.
5 - 8 October 2017
Regent's Park, London, UK
We would like to announce you that we will be showing at Frieze Masters in London, Regent’s Park, from Thursday October 5th, to Sunday October 8th, 2017.
July 5th - August 25th 2017
New York
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to announce the opening of its gallery exhibition: MARBLE MANIA
July 5th – August 25th 2017
New York Gallery
12 mai - 31 octobre 2017
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève
Pour le rendez-vous printanier de l’Art en Vieille-Ville, la Galerie PHOENIX ANCIENT ART propose de réétudier la thématique des bijoux précieux et des chefs d’uvre de l’orfèvrerie antiques.
Vernissage le 11 mai de 18h à 21h.
May 4 - 8
Park Avenue Armory
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to announce their participation in the TEFAF NY Spring inaugural show!
Modern and Contemporary galleries will be juxtaposed with ancient abstract art. Come visit us in the Historical Room Number 3 on the second floor!
20 - 25 February 2017
Salle Baccarat, Gstaad Palace - CH - 3780 Gstaad
We are happy to convey you to our exhibition
TREASURY – Wonders of Ancient Jewellery and Silverware
20 to 25 February 2017 – 11am to 8pm
Cocktail & Opening on Monday 20th at 7pm
Salle Baccarat – Gstaad Palace
Jan 21-29, 2017
Tour & Taxis, avenue du Port 86 C, Brussels
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to announce you that it will participate in BRAFA 2017, in Brussels, Jan 21-29, 2017.
We will be pleased to welcome you on booth 8c and to guide you through our exhibition. Looking forward to seeing you there!
November 3 2016 - January 31 2017
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève, Suisse
Dans le cadre de la 20e édition de l’Art en Vieille-Ville de Genève, nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de notre exposition " MNEMOSYNE : de Chirico et l’Antiquité ", jeudi 3 novembre 2016 de 18h à 21h
22-26 October 2016
Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA
We are pleased to inform you that it will participate in Tefaf New York.
TEFAF is widely regarded as the world’s leading fair for art, antiques and design.
6 - 9 October 2016
Regent's Park, London, UK
We would like to announce you that we will be showing at Frieze Masters in London, Regent’s Park, from Thursday October 6th, to Sunday October 9th, 2016.
3 - 9 October 2016
Berkeley Square, London, UK
We would like to remind you that we will be showing at PAD London Art+Design Fair in London, from Monday, October 3rd to Sunday, October 9th 2016.
10 - 18 septembre 2016
Galerie Rauchfeld, Rue de Seine 22, Paris, France
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer notre participation à l’exposition Le Rendez-Vous
Paris 6e – du 10 au 18 septembre 2016
Mnemosyne : de Chirico et l’Antiquité par Phoenix Ancient Art
May 5-9, 2016
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to announce you is participation at Spring Masters New York 2016.
May 5-9, 2016, Park Avenue Armory, New York.
April 27 - May 17, 2016
47 East 66th Street
A modern expedition inspired us to put on a show highlighting phoenician art as well as the depiction of ships in the ancient world.
22.04.16 - 31.08.16
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève
« Maîtrise & Raffinement dans l’Antiquité » démontrera avec certitude à quel point les Anciens maîtrisaient toutes les techniques relatives aux différents matériaux qu’ils ont pu et su exploiter (céramique, bronze, orfèvrerie, pierres précieuses, marbre, verre, etc.) et à quel point ils brillaient dans l’art de la finesse et de l’élégance.
March 10-19, 2016
47 East 66th Street
Phoenix Ancient Art will be participating in Asia Week New York for the first time with their exhibition: Glories of China !
12 - 17 February, 2016
Gstaad Palace, Gstaad, Switzerland
Phoenix Ancient Art and Helly Nahmad Gallery are pleased to announce their first ever collaboration, an exhibition juxtaposing twentieth century paintings by Giorgio de Chirico and genuine Greek and Roman antiquities,
23-31 January 2016
Tour & Taxis Brussels, Belgium
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to announce you that it will participate in BRAFA 2016, in Brussels, Jan 23-31, 2016.
We will be pleased to welcome you on booth 8c and to guide you through our exhibition. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Vernissage 5 novembre 2015
Rue Verdaine 6, CH - 1204 Genève, Suisse
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de notre exposition "ANIMALIA NOBILIA" CULTES ET VENERATION DU MONDE ANIMAL
Vernissage le jeudi 5 novembre 2015, de 18h à 21h, dans le cadre de l’Art en Vieille-Ville de Genève.
November 4 - January 30, 2015
Helly Nahmad Gallery, NYC, USA
Helly Nahmad Gallery and Phoenix Ancient Art join forces to Create an Art Exhibition that Spans Millennia.
23 - 29 October 2015
Park Avenue Armory, Park Avenue & 67th Str., NYC
Established in 1989 The International Fine Art & Antiques Show is recognised the world over as a premier showcase for exceptional quality works of art from antiquity to the present day.
14-18 October 2015
Berkeley Square, W1 London, UK
Set in the vibrant heart of Mayfair, PAD is London’s leading fair for 20th Century art, design and decorative arts.
May 8 - 12 2015
Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to inform you that it will participate in Spring Masters New York.
May 8 – 12, 2015
Park Avenue Armory, New York
08.05.2015 - 31.07.2015
Rue Verdaine 6, CH-1204 Genève
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de notre exposition sur le thème d’Alexandre le Grand et son Monde, dans le cadre de l’Art en Vieille-Ville Genève. Vernissage le 7 Mai 2015 – de 17h00 à 20h30.
February 9 - 10 - 11, 2015
Gstaad Palace, Gstaad, Switzerland
Phoenix Ancient Art its proud to present you its upcoming exhibition, taking place on February 9 – 10 – 11, 2015 at Gstaad Palace.
24.01 - 01.02.2015
Tour & Taxis Brussels, Belgium
Phoenix Ancient Art is pleased to convey you to
BRAFA Art Fair.
January 24th – February 1st in Brussels.