
古意大利 · 公元前5世纪
青铜 · 19.3厘米(7.59英寸) · 价格另洽

The moment of the action of battle is accurately captured: his left leg is advanced in an energetic broad stride, the upper torso is leaning forward, and he is brandishing the spear which was once in his right raised arm (part of it is preserved). The fingers grasped in a firm gesture are precisely modeled. He is holding a round shape shield (hoplon) in his other arm which is bent at the level of his chest; the armor protects the upper part of the warrior’s body. Advancing, the young man is looking forward and keeps the shield high at his chin. He also wears an Athenian-type helmet with a tall plumed crest on his head, leather cuirass and greaves (cnemides) which cover his lower legs up to the knees. The swan-shaped crest holder, epaulettes, ropelike belt and the greaves’ edges are very clearly articulated.
The back part of the helmet hides his neck entirely; the pointed and movable cheek-pieces (paragnathides) are raised and leave the face open. It is clean-shaven and looks very individual showing delicate cheeks, thin lips of a small mouth and slightly upturned nose. The large, almond-shape eyes are truly exaggerated but make the look very expressive. The form of the lower part of the visor placed low on the forehead echoes the line created by his eyes and substitute the eyebrows.
Originally, the cast work was affixed to a base, wooden or clay, as it is suggested by long, pointed tangs extended from the heels.