Attic Greek Red-Figure Rhyton in the Shape of a Ram’s Head
Attic, 5th century B.C.
L: 21 cm
Molded in the form of a ram’s head, the muzzle black-glazed, with reserved areas along the grooves at the end of the nose, the nostrils and the mouth, the bulging eyes in added white, with thick molded lids, the fleece composed of a series of tiny raised pellets, the underslung horns ribbed, the black-glazed ears emerging from within, wisps along the forehead in dilute glaze
The bowl with the goddess Aphrodite enthroned on a klismos, her right elbow leaning on the back of her chair, her left forearm resting on her leg, a dove standing on the chair beside her, her winged son Eros standing with a fan behind her, a draped female standing before her, wearing a rayed diadem, presenting her with an alabastron in her extended right hand, her drapery held up in her left, Ares further to the right, depicted nude but for a himation pinned at his neck, his dagger secured by a baldric, spears in his left hand, a draped female before him with a phiale in her extended left hand; palmettes on either side of the handle, with two dotted circles in between
The vessel perforated at the ram’s mouth.
Art market, prior to 1992;
Ex- Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Newhall, III collection
Myth & Majesty, Deities and Dignitaries of the Ancient World, Antiquarium, New York, 1992, no. 22.