A Roman Marble Statue of an Orator
2nd century A.D., H: 169cm
The Louvre
Abu Dhabi, UAE
2nd century A.D., H: 169cm
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Attributed to the Ivy Leaf Group, 530-520 B.C., 38.7 × 27.9 cm
Chicago, Illinois
1st century A.D., 25.1 x 37.5 x 5.7 cm
New York, New York
6th century B.C., 45 cm
Paris, France
6th century B.C., 13 cm
London, UK
Late 1st–early 2nd century A.D., H: 20 inches.
Toledo, Ohio
25th Dynasty, ca. 700-650 B.C., H: 26 cm
Princeton, New Jersey
1st century A.D., 35.6 × 19.1 × 25.4 cm
Malibu, California
ca. A.D. 140–160, 35.6 × 22 × 22 cm
New Haven, Connecticut
ca. 460 B.C., 10.8 x 16.8 cm
Atlanta, Georgia
Attributed to the Hattatt Painter, 540–520 BC, 26.2 × 14 cm
Houston, Texas
Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II, (1279 - 1213 B.C.), H: 75.6 cm
Koka, Japan
Early 6th century B.C., H: 38.7 cm.
Budapest, Hungary
1295–1186 B.C., 53.5 x 17 x 7 cm
Boston, Massachusetts
300 - 325 A.D., 12.2 cm
Corning, New York
attributed to Praxiteles, ca 400 B.C. - 330 B.C., 150 cm
Cleveland, Ohio
Hellenistic, 2nd century B.C., Gold, Garnet and Emerald, L: 28 cm
Paris, France
1st-2nd century A.D., 85 x 38 cm
Toronto, Canada
Colorless glass decorated with polychrome enamels and gilding, Egypt or Syria; 14th century A.D. , H: 26 cm
Copenhagen, Denmark
New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, 1295–1186 B.C., 53.5 x 37 x 24.7 cm
St. Louis, Missouri
664-525 B.C., 19 cm
Providence, Rhode Island
450 A.D., 151 x 215 cm
Geneva, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland
Munich, Germany